Have you anytime thought how to deal with an infected tonsils and what are their remedies? Tonsils are the most irritating part when affected. Children's and adults both go through this. Sometimes they can be difficult to tackle. In this case one should always seek knowledge on how to cure them.


In this blog let us share some basic and important knowledge on TONSILS and  their solutions.

Tonsils are the two lymph nodes present at the back of  both the sides of your throat. They are a part of lymphatic glands. They may be seemingly useless, but they have a great role as a defence mechanism. Tonsils prevent from entering bateria, virus and any other infected particles. When tonsils gets infected, they are termed as tonsillitis. Enlarged tonsils may cause much problems. Some people opt for removal through surgery. Since it acts as an defence mechanism, its best not to go for removal. The most common problem with the tonsils is inflammation, called tonsillitis.


Lets check the symptoms.:

  • Sore throat
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Slight fever
  • Ear pain
  • Pain on both the tonsils
  • Bad breath
  • Uncomfort while talking



Tonsils can be caused due to bacteria, virus. In most cases tonsillitis are caused by a viral infection. Bacterial tonsillitis are more common in children than in adults. The term "strep throat" used for tonsillitis by many people. they refer to infection caused by this bacteria. Strep throat happens due to inflammation of tonsils this is caused due to debris that are trapped over tonsils.

Inflammation can be cured using home remedies. Here are some natural remedies for cure of tonsils. this handy cures will help in getting relief.

1) Honey and Garlic remedy.
Garlic and Honey both will help in getting relief. Garlic acts as an antiseptic whereas honey gives soothing effect. They both acts as an antimicrobial and antibacterials.they fight against the infections, bacterias and virus.they surely tackles the tonsils by healing throat inflammation.
Simply take 3-4 cloves of garlic.wash and crush them to make a paste. then add about 2 teaspoons of honey in a garlic paste and mix with warm water.swish it around a throat for a while before swallowing. repeat this for a week.

2) Honey and Turmeric remedy.
Since turmeric plays very important role as an antiseptic and honey gives soothing effect, they plays as an antibacterials and antimicrobials.
Simply take 3-4 teaspoons of turmeric with 4 teaspoons of honey.swish this mixed solution around the throat for a while before swallowing. Do this for a week.


3) Gargling with salt water.
Mix a teaspoon of salt in warm water and gargle it everyday to get a relief. The warm water mixed with salt is the best remedy and most common cure for tonsils.Repeat several times and everyday.

4) Coconut oil remedy.
Coconut oil helps in giving relief as it soothens the inflammation inside the tonsils. Apply coconut oil on tonsils with a help of a finger or any other handy material.its best to apply before going to bed. Try this everyday and it really works best.

In addition to such remedies there are many other remedies as well.These were the only few chosen remedies. Inflammations can be relieved by drinking hot water.
Treatment may vary according to the size of the tonsils. If they are enlarged, then doctors recommend for removal or it can be done using home cures. Treatment may vary from home cures to surgical methods. Tonsils occur at any age. when cured the symptoms disappear after 5-6 days or more.
Doctors may recommend for diagnosis depending on the physical examination of throat.Which will be sent to a laboratory test for infection of throat. removal of tonsils known as tonsillectomy. Tonsillitis are the tonsil stones.
Tonsils can be treated by antibiotics or through  home cures.

Till then take care of your tonsils.

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